Try Something New, Dream Big! Create a Vision Board!

Maybe some of those New Year resolutions just didn’t pan out like you thought they would. Spring is another time of newness and rejuvenation; do some Spring cleaning! In other words, declutter and rid yourself of the things that don’t work in your life and do some soul searching!
The purpose of a Vision Board (aka Dream Board) is to help you focus on your dreams, goals, and aspirations in life. Some say it’s a magical process... 
Start with a poster board or old cardboard – reusing will bless your board with good karma!   All you have to do is take pictures (from magazines, your phone, the internet, etc.) that depict your goals or things you want to obtain. If you can’t find the right pictures, you can also spell it out with words. Just cut out whole words or letters from publications and attach them to your board. You can add backgrounds and more things for inspiration. Pick a theme like sports, your career, education, hobbies or leave it all inclusive like most do.
The board will continue to grow and expand as you accomplish your goals and think of new ones. You can also make a stack of books that inspire you or use your cubicle wall as a Vision Board. There are no wrong ways to create your Vision Board.
My Vision Board started
with hopes of Obama's administration,
my college education, career goals,
and moving to Columbus.

I added animal rights, more traveling, and  more about work and education. About 7 of these items have come to fruition.

Here, I took a digital picture of my Vision Board and began to add digital pix to it through a software program.

Books and magazines
that decorate my work
“Shelfie" - inspiring, spiritual,   and  motivational books.

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